Safety is Priority #1
The management of King Company is committed to providing its employees with a safe and healthful workplace. It is the policy of this organization the employees report unsafe conditions an do not perform tasks which are considered unsafe. Employees must report all accidents, injuries, and unsafe conditions to their supervisors. No such report will result in retaliation, penalty or there disincentive.
Employee recommendations to improve safety and health conditions will be given thorough consideration by our management team. Management will always give top priority to and financial resources for the correction of unsafe conditions. Similarly, management will take disciplinary action against an employee who willfully or repeatedly violates workplace safety rules. This action may include verbal or written reprimands and may ultimately results in termination of employment. >> more on safety

New & Events

04/12/15 ABC Award
Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.
Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.hereby presents the Safety Training and Evaluation Process STEP Award to King Company, L.P. in recognition of the company's Silver Level of achievement and its ongoing efforts in the development of a quality safety program for 2014.
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05/12/14 Construction Excellence
The National WWII Museum, U.S. Freedom Pavilion: The Boeing Center, New Orleans, LA
The 26,540-square-foot, $35 million museum, The National WWII Museum, U.S. Freedom Pavilion: The Boeing Center honors the 16 million men and women who served in a world war, as well as the uncountable others who served... >> read more